Embark on a riveting journey through five decades of global history with Tom Fenton, a distinguished figure in foreign correspondence. With 35 years at the forefront of CBS News, Fenton bore witness to pivotal events in Europe, the Middle East, the former Soviet Union, and Africa. His accounts expose not just the failures of American military interventions abroad but also media lapses.
In this fascinating memoir and exposé, Fenton reveals critical moments where American news media stumbled, leaving the public uninformed and vulnerable to imminent perils. Drawing from his vast experience, he illuminates the decline of reporting and its perilous collision with the business of news. Bad News: The Decline of Reporting and Junk News: The Failure of the Media provide stark insights into media shortcomings in the 21st century.
Now living in California, Fenton remains a vigilant observer of global conflicts, including the state of democracy in our own nation. This book is more than a wake-up call; it's a clarion call to face the unsettling reality that ignorance is no sanctuary—it's a treacherous path to the unimaginable, even genocide.
Delve into Fenton's unflinching narrative and emerge with renewed urgency. In a world where knowledge is power, this book serves as your guide through the turbulent waters of misinformation, unveiling the stark truths that demand our attention.