This is a second collection of 20 essays serialized in the New York Clipper between 1868-69 under the title, "Reminiscences of a Man About Town," with three additional pieces included that are also believed to have been penned by well-known man-about-town Tom Picton (1822-91). The "Clipper" was a major sporting and theatrical weekly issued between 1853-1924. Picton's memories of the clubs and theatres popular in New York City between roughly 1835-50 form the basis of these highly entertaining and historically informative reflections. Complete with illustrations, notes, and comprehensive index.
Professor Emeritus William L. Slout is the premier circus historian of his time, having edited or written several dozen books on theatre and circus life, in addition to such noteworthy plays as "The Trial of Dr. Jekyll." He lives and works in Southern California.