Life was so normal for a pair of beautiful young college girls, before they grew new anatomy, and superpowers to go with it...
Herein find the first five episodes of "Futanari Supergirls," an ongoing comic-style saga about a group of women who find their bodies mysteriously changing, and discover new powers to go along with those changes. In these first five episodes, the team of Supergirls begins to form, they meet the first of the villains, they begin to learn about how and why their bodies have been altered... the women begin a journey of sexual discovery, that will change themselves, and the world, forever...
This 63,000-word anthology is the first five episodes of an ongoing series, constituting episodes 1-5. It is a superhero comic-style story where all the heroes and villains are Futanari, featuring Futa-on-Futa, Futa-on-man, and Futa-on-woman couplings, in pairings and group scenarios. All characters are over the age of eighteen, none are related by marriage or by birth, and all characters engage in all acts entirely consensually. All stories are available as singles, and also available as five-part anthologies upon completion. That out of the way, I hope you enjoy!