McGhee's Ghosts series, a world where a terrifyingly real post-apocalyptic future, as imagined by science fiction cyberpunk pioneer Mord McGhee, comes alive in this stunning illustrated edition of the Tales of Eclipse saga. This second illustrated comic book-style novel adds material to what is already a thrill ride from start to finish, where nothing is what it seems.
When something moves in the corner of your eye, but it's gone when you turn to look, this is the shadowy world of Ghosts of the Golden Triangle.
Rigs, Slicer, and Eclipse are back in illustrated novel form with more captured images and footages from corporate security feeds, as the gang, once corporate assassins, now face horrifying events which put their very survival to the test. A dark and realistic future vision with slick weaponry and action abounds, Eclipse is a thunderstorm barreling down on science fiction.
Will they live to fight another day? Only the devilish ghosts know the answer!
Catch up with Eclipse in this stunning graphics novel with artwork from three different illustrators, including the author himself.