I did two books and many more multilingual magazine projects with Gobshite Quarterly. They're linguistic treasures. They're language-discoverers and -savers. Croatian, German, Serbian, English, Tagalog, Icelandic, Russian, Spanish, Bengali in my case. Being human is to speak, hear, write in languages, & Gobshite Quarterly makes the world more human. - Christoph Keller, winner of the 2020 Alemannic Literary Prize
Gobshite Quarterly has been invaluable in introducing Croatian writers to the United States. Documentary, imaginative accounting, recounting, warning, horror, daily moments, textures of continuing life: writing emerging from the war, writing the world had to see. Gobshite published it, in a dizzying number of languages, and continues to do so. - Julienne Busic, Croatian writer and translator
I turn to Gobshite to discover and add to my research and study of PNW authors. It is go-to. But Gobshite Quarterly is much more than a regional journal. Gobshite's attention and curation and far-reaching includes the best international poets, broadening my horizons issue after issue. It is go-to. - Jeff Sargent, poet/reviewer
Now more than ever, Gobshite's ambitious, ingenious, and unexpected multilingual publications serve as an antidote to the ever more toxic xenophobia which has been corrupting our culture since 2016. These issues persistently remind American readers that there's a larger world out there than the one they live in. - Madison Smartt Bell