God calls to spiritual leadership all who make spiritual progress. All believers are called to be spiritual leaders. Some will lead one person, others will lead ten people and others still will lead one thousand and so forth. You are a spiritual leader! Someone is looking up to you to lead him to Christ or to lead him along the Christian way. You must become and continue to be the leader that God meant you to be.
God has called you to lead one, two, ten, one hundred, one thousand or more people. He has called you to lead them out of the captivity of sin and self into the fullness of the obedient and sanctified life. In order to do and finish your job, you must be rightly related to Him. Spiritual leadership is conditioned on a profound and intimate knowledge of God. The spiritual leader is a man hungry for God, a seeker after God. Without a deep and intimate knowledge of God, any leadership that is exercised is merely based on natural talent and this can never satisfy the heart of God.
Leadership is conditioned on a life sacrificed, spent and sold out for others. Without this, a man may just be a seeker after God. As a result of this investment in others, a seeker after God also becomes a seeker of men; this is spiritual leadership.
God gives limitless authority to those whom He places in leadership. He backs them without any reservation but judges them with the greatest severity. Divine privileges carry with them great responsibilities. All who are called by God to leadership must walk carefully before Him lest they be disqualified.
Victory is possible for the obedient leader. Be one such.