Adam and Eve had their opportunity to choose, and they chose, but it was to disobey God's command to them. They therefore lost their place with God, for they died spiritually, and consequently they were banished from the garden. Without exception, this is the way it is for each and every one of us today. We must choose the way we want to go, and the things we want to do, for God has freed us from the power of the enemy and his deceptive ways through the sinful nature. He has set us free by the Atoning Sacrifice of our beloved Lord Jesus on Calvary's Cross to make freewill choices, and therefore turn from the deceptive ways of the sinful nature, through our flesh, and to come to Him. Hopefully, these choices will be made according to God's will - HIS WORD. Yet, that too is our decision to make. This will then determine whom we will obey and therefore serve - God or the devil. The determining factor here is, and always will be, the choices that we make. For no matter how much grace God has poured out on us to help us in our choices, in the end we must choose, for the choices are ours alone to make. This is freewill. "THE CREATION WAITS IN EAGER EXPECTATION FOR THE SONS OF GOD TO BE REVEALED." ROMANS 8:19 p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px 'Adobe Garamond Pro'} Lee Lee - the servant of the Living God - was called separated and sent by the Lord Jesus to the desert region of Chihuahua, Mexico for over 36 years, where he remained totally hidden and his purpose unknown, except to those few the Lord Jesus placed him with. He began writing the first in a series of 14 Books in 2001, and completed the writings in June 2012. The Lord Jesus took Lee Lee home in August 2012. In February, 2018 the Lord Jesus gave the order that His time had now come to begin the release of these Books to His Church.