Most people on earth believe in a God of some form. In this book we assume that God exists. We will address questions about God and the Cosmos (all of Creation) that can be answered by Logic and Scientific Analysis. We will see that surprising insights follow from this quest for knowledge of God and the Cosmos. A comparison of our findings with the descriptions of God and Creation in major religions shows a remarkable number of similarities.
We were led to this study of God from a scientific view by the development of a fundamental Theory of Everything, The Unified SuperStandard Model, which we derived from a relatively simple set of axioms. The set of axioms led to a derivation of The Unified SuperStandard Model that unifies all matter and their forces in a direct manner. The derivation is presented in volumes 1 and 2 of the Second Edition of The Unified SuperStandard Model and the Megaverse. It is not necessary to be familiar with these books except to realize these volumes provide a derivation of a Theory of Everything from basic axioms in the manner of Euclid's derivation of Geometry. Their beginning point was a "supposed" entity that follows certain "simple" rules to define the axioms governing the Cosmos and thereby leads to the derivation of the physical Cosmos. (The Cosmos consists of the entirety of Creation.)
A remarkable aspect of the "entity" is its similarity to features that most people attribute to God. This book makes a "leap of faith" and assumes It is God in Its physical aspects. We then take the universally agreed fundamental features of God and proceed to investigate the physical side of God's nature.
Some remarkable results follow: 1) God needs the Cosmos; 2) the Cosmos exists forever into the past and the future; 3) the Godhead consists of at least three parts: the Unmoved Mover, the Cosmos, and the Connection between them--functionally a triune God; 4)The Cosmos and Connection parts of God have a God-like spark that is present in the particles of the Unified SuperStandard Model (or perhaps a similar Theory of Everything); 5) Predestination and Free Will are made consistent by the Quantum nature of the Cosmos and the Connection.
The eternal natures of the Cosmos and the Connection have important implications for Physics. In particular, they may require an infinite chain of aeons of universes in which our universe is but one link in the chain. They are consistent with a Megaverse containing universes strewn through a higher dimensional space, much like galaxies are strewn throughout our universe.
This book will appeal to the layman reader as well as the Physicist since it brings the Unified SuperStandard Model to a deeper level of reality in a fairly non-technical way.