The Word of God's full purpose is to teach, correct, and establish a Kingdom mindset. Satan, the devil - whatever you want to call our mortal enemy - does not want this to happen. Even though he is a defeated foe, he is busy at work seeking to deceive anyone he can so he can accuse them before God as being sinners without the hope of redemption. He is a liar whose only purpose is to oppose God. The enemy's plan is to steal, kill, and destroy. To steal our joy in serving God by trials of financial burdens or relationship issues (Adam and Eve). To kill the spirit of life given to us by God, to kill the breath of God which is the Holy Spirit, to kill the Spirit's influence in our lives. To destroy the very foundation of God's Kingdom before it can become a physical reality. To contaminate the minds of all of God's creation. All of his children. God's Kingdom begins in our heart and this is where His will must be done. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through to the pulling down of strong holds... 2 Corinthians 10:4