Friends don't let friends drive drunk, and friends don't let friends advertise on AdWords without understanding the five Gotchas hidden in Google AdWords.
AdWords Gotchas: an INDEPENDENT Guide to Google AdWords
Did you know that you may be wasting money - a LOT OF MONEY - right now by hidden 'gotchas' inside of AdWords? Gotchas are mistakes, errors, and omissions that lurk within the AdWords interface, often tripping up novice advertisers and causing them to waste money needlessly.
This book will teach you how to avoid the five hidden Gotchas of Google Adwords namely -
AdWords Gotchas: a Complete Resource to Google AdWords
This guide shares with you not only insights on how to avoid the Google AdWords gotchas but also provides links to informative videos and external tools and resources on Google AdWords.
Beware Most Books on AdWords - Beware of AdWords Itself
There is a basic contradiction in Google AdWords: Google makes its money off of clicks, while you make your money off of conversions: sales leads or actual sales. Google, therefore, does everything it can to incent you to get more clicks, when in fact you should focus on getting more conversions. Most books on AdWords do not explain this basic contradiction. And, what's worse, most don't point out the five 'gotchas' hidden in Google AdWords that my be costing you money - a lot of money.
A small investment in this litte, informative book on Google AdWords will yield a major savings. A penny saved, said Benjamin Franklin, is a penny earned. Purchase AdWords Gotchas today!