Many Christians have a dualistic approach to life. We have our church life and then our work life, which are pretty separate.
This track from The Gospel Coalition's curriculum 'Gospel Shaped Church', is about marrying these two worlds together. Its not just about bolting on Christian bits to my working life, but seeing that everything in my life is connected to the gospel. The Gospel is at the heart of everything I do at work, its not just the answer to people's spiritual needs at work.
God created us to be workers. To till the soil, to subdue creation. To be his representatives in the world and we flourish when we work as God intended.
Take your whole church on a journey to discover how to not only connect Monday to Sunday, but how to put the gospel at the heart of everything we do at work.
Inside the Leader's Kit, you will find a copy of the Leader's Guide, a copy of the Member's Handbook and the eight teaching videos presented by Tom Nelson, in both digital download and DVD formats. Please note, this DVD is available in NTSC format only (All modern DVD players play NTSC in the UK). You will be able to download digital copies of the videos with a code contained in the kit.