Grandson of a Ghost explores how a family's unspoken, festering grief impacted a boy born 25 years after the suicide of his grandfather. It follows the struggle of Scott as he grows up but fails to see how abuse from his mother clouded his perception of the world, and fueled his self-destructive behavior as an adult. Following a tumultuous childhood, Scott moves from northern New England -- driven by his demons -- to New York in 1985, amid the AIDS crisis and the new wave scene in the East Village. Over the years, he comes out as gay and makes a career in the magazine business.
Unable to break free from bouts of depression and inexplicable self-doubt, Scott eventually decides to start weekly psychotherapy sessions in a last-ditch endeavor to save himself. Through the work with his therapist, Scott learns to recognize and confront low self-esteem, anger, defensiveness and isolation. He begins to accept the love shown by others instead of pushing it away. He understands for the first time that love matters. It means something. Scott shares his journey away from a need to hide himself, toward a life lived with intimacy and authenticity.