Happiness Education presents a vision of an entirely new education system where the happiness of students is the primary purpose of schools. Imagine a school where children were taught the awareness, knowledge and skills that would help them feel happier in the present and greatly improve their chances for lifelong happiness. Picture children learning mental techniques and practices that significantly relieve emotional stress and distress and reduce the power of fear and anger to possess them. Consider the possibility of most children feeling peace, joy and love deeper, longer and more often. Contemplate what discovering their passions early in life and being encouraged to follow them could add to the subjective quality of their lives.
Evidence shows that what kids learn to become happier and more in control of their feelings also enhances their social skills and the quality of their relationships, markedly improves their academic and goal achievement, minimizes behavioral problems, and makes them both mentally and physically healthier. Research also shows that the necessary awareness, knowledge and skills can be successfully taught in schools with all these remarkable outcomes. Armstrong makes a compelling case for the changes necessary to achieve these outcomes.