In this fast-paced, action-packed kidnapping thriller, two unsanctioned hostage rescue specialists investigate multiple teen disappearances and find themselves in a small town in Georgia where all is not as it seems.
Six-two former Army Ranger Jacob St. Christopher poses as a Homeland Security Agent while taking on off-book hostage rescue operations. Five-eleven Special Agent Deanna Stockwell is officially employed by the FBI but secretly works with St. Christopher. Together, the two have been a juggernaut against evil, saving many innocent lives.
The kidnapping of sixteen-year-old Chrissy Toberman kicks off a new assignment for the agents while also uncovering a pattern. Over the last twelve months, several other girls have gone missing from all over the United States. And the missing teens' paths, after being taken, have intersected near a heavily wooded part of northeast Georgia.
Sent by the clandestine team's third member—computer genius Alfred "Higs" Higginbottom—St. Christopher and Stockwell arrive at the only town within a ten-mile radius of the forested area. Questioning the residents about the abducted teenager, the agents are soon confronted by a band of locals who are anything but welcoming.
Gunfights, fistfights, and murder greet the military man and female FBI agent wherever they go. Throwing punches and sending bullets downrange, St. Christopher and Stockwell understand the harm that will come to the Toberman girl if they fail. And for this powerful duo, failure has never been an option.