Haunted Skies Wiltshire is another in a series of unique books on the UFO subject, co-written by retired Police Officer John Hanson and his partner - Dawn Holloway. The couple have made many personal visits, over a period of 20 years, to interview members of the public living in the Wiltshire area, in order to preserve the history of reported UFO activity.
This volume contains approximately 1,000 images in over 700 pages - in colour and black and white. They include photographs, sketches, private letters and illustrations, many of which have not been previously published.
Whether it's 'sky watching' from the now famous Cradle Hill, outside the lovely town of Warminster - host to some incredible UFO sightings back in the halcyon days of the 1960s/1970s, recorded by local journalist Arthur Shuttlewood - or perhaps a visit to the famous Barge Inn at Honey Street, Alton Barnes, overlooking the famous 'White Horse', or the magic of nearby ancient sites, such as Silbury Hill, Avebury Stone Circle, Adam's Grave, West Kennet Long Barrow, or Stonehenge, the authors have been there and enjoyed every fascinating moment.
Whatever the reason, no one can deny the breathtaking beauty of what this wonderful magical county has to offer in exceptional landscapes, and the possibility that strange objects may be captured on film or photograph.
The locality is thick with not only legends and myths but reports of UFO sightings - along with their occasional occupants - and a huge number of mysterious crop circles which abound each year, attracting tourists from all over the world, eager to see for themselves the intricate, dazzling, formations which have been the subject of so much media interest over the years.We hope you enjoy this book, as we have putting it together.John and Dawn www.hauntedskies.co.uk