This publication is not about the functions of gifts and ministries, but it explains God's plan for them. Without a proper understanding, ministry in the Kingdom is ineffective. In this brief study, we will establish an understanding for God's mandate for ministry.
God created the world by His spoken word and His divine power. He does not need mankind to do anything. However, God used men and women from the beginning to accomplish His will in the earth. Thus, if God chooses to use us, He knows His ultimate reason for doing so. We must understand that when God calls, anoints, and gives us gifts, He has a particular purpose for their use. If we are not careful, we can serve in ministry and in the Church for years without ever fulfilling the mandate of God for our lives.
In the first book of this series, we will provide an understanding of God's reason for ministry, we must prepare ourselves for service. Without the proper preparation, our ministering will be powerless.