Home is a special place to all of us, deeply personal and unique. Our home can have a powerful effect on the kind of life we lead. It can improve our health, well-being, creativity and even our relationships.
A healthy building nurtures the health and well-being of its inhabitants.
Hopefully, this little book will help you to create the best possible living environment for yourself, your family, and your workplace. I believe you will find improvements in chronic conditions, relationships, and general resilience. Your wellbeing, creativity, joy of life, and productivity should increase, improving your quality of life.
Buildingbiology is the study of the holistic relationship between humans and their indoor environments. Mould, air quality, electro-pollution, Feng Shui - these and many more elements of a healthy home will be explored, with countless tips on how to make your home a better place.
Joachim Herrmann is one of the pioneers of Buildingbiology in Australia. Since 1992, he has helped many individuals, families, and businesses to live better lives in healthier indoor environments. He also created the Healthy House Australia certification, to give peace of mind to anyone wanting to build or buy a healthy home according to the international Buildingbiological Measuring Standard.