Do you want a message from God for your daily life? This daily devotional will bring you a Bible verse and accompanied message every day. The author has sought God every day to ensure the verse and message is from God's heart to you. Hearing from God is not difficult, if you just open your heart to Him and allow Him to speak into your life. May God bless you as you read this daily devotional and spend time in His presence.
"Hearing from God Daily Devotional" will speak to all parts of your life.
You will be reassured of God's love for you, that God is trustworthy,
and that there is hope in God.
This book will challenge and inspire you to grow into a deeper relationship with your Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord.
From this book:
"We have victory over fear and worries, and we can walk in all peace through circumstances as God gives and is our strength."
"We can never be separated from God's love. God's love for us is not based on what we've done; God loves us by choice, and He has loved us long before we have ever been born."
"God likes to be included and be a part of our lives."