His Dream, Her Nightmare is a tale of misplaced trust. Our romantic choices do not always serve us well. This is even truer when duty or tradition rather than authentic love compels one to stay in a toxic relationship or marriage. Unfortunately, a young lovesick Winnie is unable to realize her condition will only lead to calamity. Winnie is determined to stand by her man Nelson even though he doesn't value her worth as a woman nor her loyalty to him. To honor her vows, she is committed to him despite his criminal past, infidelity and controlling ways. At her tipping point, when she is ready to finally leave their imbalanced union, Nelson won't let her. Winnie disappears suddenly after they celebrate his milestone thirtieth birthday. With the help of his crafty lawyer, Nelson is able to stave off suspicions of her family, friends and most importantly the authorities for years. He is able to live his happily ever after as a free man until he meets his karmic end.