Prior to setting sail for Burma (now Myanmar), Adoniram Judson wrote that he and Ann were "like men going down into a well; you stand at the top and hold the ropes. Do not let us fall." Missionaries through the centuries, beginning with those first-century believers, have depended on the prayers of others to keep them strong. It is astounding to think the infinite God of the universe is moved by our prayers. As we pray for missions and missionaries, we are personally fulfilling Christ's command to "go into all the world" with the gospel. In Holding the Ropes: The Adventure of Praying for Missions, you will find reasons we should pray for missions, resources to help you pray more intentionally, and ways to involve others in the challenge of missions praying. You will hear from missionaries who have experienced firsthand God's work through the prayers of "rope holders."
This book will help you gain greater insights into effective missions praying and inspire you to attain a greater level of commitment to intercession. You will sit at the feet of Edwards as she shares with raw honesty and transparency her personal experiences through her lifetime of missions involvement. You will laugh and cry with her; you will rejoice as she recounts ways God, through the ministry of "rope holders," gave strength, insight, wisdom, and encouragement at just the right time. You will meet prayer warriors as well as grateful recipients of prayers voiced on their behalf.
Edwards writes, "It is my prayer that this book will inspire you to make missions praying an intentional part of your daily prayer life, praying with confidence that God does hear, and He answers in His own way and His own time."