A humorous and heartwarming small town romance. Reese Patton tells the story of a woman on the run with a secret that could destroy the town of Copperwood, and the broody cop tasked with keeping the woman and his town safe.
Jake Leighton had a plan: graduate high school, serve his country, and marry his high school sweetheart. Eight years later, Army vet Jake comes home divorced to take up work as a police officer.
No relationships. Never again. That's the rule until he's thrown together with a woman who's everything he needs and wants.
Kera Fontaine escaped from her controlling father to Copperwood, but driving across half the country wasn't far enough. Taking over her father's company seems like the ultimate declaration of independence. Then she falls for him. Her unwilling protector who's determined to spend his life alone. Her unexpected hero with a badge and the most stubborn heart ever. Her forever she can't have.
Some decisions are worth the consequences and some futures are worth the unspoken promises.
Will Kera find her small town paradise with Jake?