When faith and medicine marry, a powerful tool is formed. This true account story of a woman who survived grave diagnosis grates through to the raw heart then builds on its open foundation. This book and the workbook is combined in the paperback version of "Surviving A Diagnosis, Hope on the Other Side & the Workbook".
"Sent chills down my spine and lifted me all at the same time."
The Workbook has fillable charts:
* Your Medical Team
* Appointment Schedule
* Medicine Log
* Dietary
* Preparing Your Healing-Home Space
* Do's & Don'ts
* Quiz
and more.
Designed for any diagnosis that requires longterm care, this book addresses the negative effect of it on the body, mind, and spirit. "Surviving A Diagnosis, Hope On the Other Side", is a true-life account of a survivor with a grave diagnosis who uses the techniques in this book.
It is ideal for a patient or caretaker. Faith and medical science marry and birth a viable healing process. To get the complete benefit of Surviving A Diagnosis, purchase the paperback. Then, grab a pencil because it's time to get to work.
Surviving A Diagnosis, Hope on the Other Side is written from a patient's perspective so real-to-life needs are addressed. For some, healing is instant, for others, it is a process requiring encouragement along the way. Sitting in a doctor's office hearing that diagnosis for the first time can make one feel like Janice Smith. Without moving, she felt she crossed over to another side. Going from care-free and healthy to having to accommodate a long term condition may be daunting. The paperback book takes the guesswork out of creating a daily routine.