The western world has encouraged us to borrow, spend and borrow again because the price of credit was cheap with the view that we could spend to-day and enjoy ourselves – live for the day – pay tomorrow. Take a new loan, new credit card, re-mortgage and pay it back later. However, this could not continue and now the day of reckoning has well and truly arrived!
Many people have sunk into an ever increasing spiral of debt and finally reached a position where it could not continue. Are you at that point?
The banks and credit institutions are largely to blame for making credit so easily available and not making sufficient checks to ensure that their customers were able to repay and had the income to repay their loans but that does not exonerate us from taking out the loans/mortgages/credit cards. Everybody is ultimately responsible for their own actions.
This book provides a sensible structured approach to the problem and also the building blocks to enable the individual to get to grips with their own personal debt problems and regain the self-respect and equally important - get their lives back.