If you work with such people, you have to act. You may not notice their negative behaviour much but it certainly will grind you down with time. You need inside information, how to deal with these difficult people. You need to get inside their minds, find out what they are about and shield yourself from the negativity they emit.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn...
- An overview of why certain people are so difficult to deal with
- Some classifications of difficult personality types to deal with
- Strategies to diffuse heated situations
- Dealing with difficult people specific to co-worker situations
- Dealing with a difficult boss
- ...and much more!
People can't drive you crazy if you don't give them the key. You need to take the final steps of building a life and personality above the negativities of other people. You don't need to give up your happiness to actually get people on your side. The authority creation strategies will also give you an insight on dealing with people you can't stand.