We all know that life can be hard, and working in the garden and trying to grow a garden is hard work. In our lives, if we want to grow spiritually closer to God, it takes work and effort in each of our hearts. The truth that God gives us is from his Word. It is the seeds that we need to plant in our lives and be willing to accept. The seed has to have water so it can grow. We need the active working of God in our lives so the truth can come alive in our lives. As we grow, we need be close to God's will in our lives, in the light of His will for our lives, so we can continue to grow for him. As God prepares us to do his work, we must be rooted in the foundational truths that God has for us in his Word. Like a garden, we have to be aware of the dangers that come in and can contaminate our effectiveness for God. All the steps that we need to take so that we might be fruitful for God, to have a final product that is worthy before God when one day we meet him. I hope that you will take the journey and see that you too can have a beautiful garden for God.