Siobhan and Callum had been married for 5 years. They were very much in love and everything in the bedroom was truly rosy. Or Callum thought it was until Siobhan suddenly admitted that she was bored and unsatisfied. She just didn't feel that her needs were being met. But she had some ideas on how to spice up their love life.
She wanted to introduce new things, and new people, to their bedroom.
The question was; could Callum overcome this insult to his manhood, and would he go along with it?
First they tried adding Barry to their evening's entertainment, but when he couldn't keep up, Siobhan admitted who she really wanted to experiment with was Betty, her friend with the massive breasts. A friend who always seemed to be looking at her in a certain way.
Would Betty want both of them? And what would it mean if she did?