Climate change is happening now and we are the cause but we can be the antidote as well.
If you have these simple steps down, then you're already on your way to becoming an eco-friendly person who makes a difference. Even if we don't live to see the effects of climate change on Earth, our children will.
Climate change is an environmental factor we face. We need to come together and work to reverse the effects that have already started. There are many things we can do every day to help slow down climate change with simple small habits.
While Nature is capable of regulating the energy balance of our planet within a narrow range, that control appears to be lost at the tipping point. This has serious consequences for humanity and has come to be known as "climate change," a process in which our planet's climate is altered in such a way that its average surface temperature is significantly higher or lower than it would otherwise have been.
This book covers:
And much more...
To prevent future issues, we have to strive towards a cleaner world. This means less pollution and less use of fossil fuels. We need to focus on increasing our use of renewable energy sources and reducing waste to cut down on emissions and trash that pollute our planet.
The solution starts with simpler things-making lifestyle choices that help the environment instead of hurting it. Let's make our planet a better place!