Can one cup of coffee change your life?
If you search the term 'life changing' on Amazon, you'll get over 10,000 results:
most of them are books. Other items that are purportedly life-changing include spendy cosmetics, water filters, and a certain type of dog food.
Which begs the question: if it's so easy to change your life, how come so many people still live a shitty existence, unaware of the unlimited options that, for just a few dollars, will do the job that no therapist managed to do?
My name is Haleli Smadar. Seventeen years ago, I was married (I'm not anymore); had two sweet toddlers (I now have three children, and none of them are toddlers anymore!); a house in the suburbs; two cars; a dog, and a very normal life in Israel (as you've probably guessed, I don't have any of these anymore...).
One morning, I was sitting in my garden, enjoying my daily 'me time' cup of coffee. The kids were at day-care, my husband was at work. It was peaceful, quiet, and sunny. Just me and a huge old olive tree. Nothing out of the ordinary.
But this day was not like every other day.
By the time I finished my coffee, my life had changed, and would never be the same. And not because I had done an Amazon search (I didn't even know what it was, back then). I didn't read any self-help books, and I certainly didn't buy any new cosmetics or dog food.
For me, all it took was one cup of coffee.
I was considered something of a trailblazer when I left my life in Israel behind. I challenged many conceptions and beliefs. I was interviewed for TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines. And while my message was very controversial (but very sexy, too :-)), many other Israelis contacted me to say they dreamed of doing the same thing.
Now, for the first time, I am telling my story in English. But My story is not about me. It's about you.
💜 If you ever had a dream or something you always wanted to do but never did, it's time to go on a little adventure with me >>>