Fitz-enz maintains that HR, if managed to add measurable value, is as essential to business success as accounting, sales, or production. He presents the simple, practical and cohesive HR strategy being used successfully in such companies as Gannett, Transamerica Insurance, Sun Microsystems, Merck, and Swiss Bank. And he shows how readers can apply this strategy to plan, design, deliver, and evaluate HR services in their companies to meet a range of challenges - including lowering operating costs, improving employee motivation and productivity, fostering innovation, and developing new employee skills.
The book provides a seven-step model for implementing human value management that will help HR professionals to: Refocus HR on the needs of its internal "customers" and "markets" - the individuals and groups within the company who use its services; Identify these needs and design and deliver HR services and products tailored to meet them; Eliminate all activites that do not directly contribute to company goals; Pinpoint eight key areas, from the marketing of HR services through effective service delivery, in which HR must succeed in order to add clear andconsistent value; andEvaluate HR's contribution to organizational performance by measuring its impact on productivity, quality, organizational effectiveness, and quality of work life.