This book combines three popular books by Stephen Gaukroger that go together to deepen our spiritual lives.
HUNGER FOR HOLINESS Sometimes the greatest temptation is not to commit spectacular sin but to settle for mediocrity, to accept a stuck-in-a-rut spirituality, which keeps our options open! Malachi's clarion call to remember God's love, to return to him, to test his promises and to live in holiness is a call that we desperately need to hear today. Stephen Gaukroger shows how Malachi's zeal for God is a challenge to us to desire God's best: a challenge we cannot ignore.
GROWING YOUR GIFTS Me? Gifted? Yes, You! God has given each of us special gifts and abilities. Based on teaching 2 Timothy, we are shown how to recognise those gifts and how to develop and use them in God's service.
THIRSTY FOR GOD: The best sermon in the history of the world - the Sermon on the Mount. We discover the historical and political context of the sermon, with a real application of Jesus' teaching to our lives and society today. The book leaves you challenged afresh and encouraged to live according to Jesus' word.