The key may be hydroponics: helping you feed your plants exactly what they need for better health, ensuring that they take up less space than you thought possible, and effectively reducing the likelihood of plant pests!
You may have heard the term before and thought it was too expensive or too complicated.
I'm here to tell you that doesn't have to be true!
With the aim of keeping things easy for you, Hydroponics: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Building Your Own Hydroponic Garden Step by Step will show you how you can benefit without paying an arm and a leg by simply being minimalist with your supplies.
In this book, Andrew Marshall provides helpful tips and instructions to guide you to understand and successfully master the art of growing plants through hydroponics, such as:
BONUS MATERIAL includes answers to many Frequently Asked Questions, as well as a look at the history of hydroponics from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to more modern examples like hydroponics in space and more.
At the close of this book, you will be equipped to tackle any common hydroponics problems you might experience, even if that problem is that you don't have a system yet, and will be ready to harvest bounties of fresh and healthy crops.
Click "Add to Cart" to get started-without getting your hands too dirty-now!