Know that you possess the ability to re-write your own future into eternity ... when you view the new horizon of your soul.
In I AM I The Indweller of Your Heart-Book Three, David Knight's connection with God allows a further 52 'lessons' to pour forth from his speaking heart. They will guide and help you move forward in your life, no matter how close to the edge of doubt you seem to think you are.
This book will help you:
- Rediscover the true path to your enlightenment
- Remove broken promises and failed dreams by revealing your true power within
- Cool the inflamed mind ... manipulated by the senses and one's ego
- Restore balance to every aspect of your being
- Allow your soul to bloom with the fragrance of love
- Embrace the challenges of life to know thyself ... and simply 'be'
Remember, God's love will keep you warm on those days when you feel frozen by indecision and uncertainty, and by finding the inner glow of your divinity, you will reap your own eternal harvest.