No matter what it is in this life that you are praying for at this moment, it's coming to you, and it's on its way! No matter who you are praying to, "IT" is listening. Just by reading this story you will soon realize that anything is possible. The power of belief is real. The power of your belief is what creates your life. In other words, as soon as you believe "It" is coming, "It" is on the way to manifestation in your physical. Through your own desire, belief and expectation, you will manifest your wildest dreams. Regardless of your faith, this story will prove to you that we are all climbing the same mountain. We are all on the same journey. The only difference is we are all taking different paths. I never believed in miracles until I lived through this very story. This is a story about how you can start to truly experience the faith, healing and the power of belief. What is it that you are waiting for? What do you need? Whatever it is, you are worthy and deserving of receiving it. If you are waiting for a miracle, it's on it's way. You are worthy and deserving of it.