The year is 2035. We are now living In a FaceTime World - where Human interactions, Relationships and Events mainly take place Online!
A Story about what the Future of FaceTime looks like.
In a Facetime World 2035 or "INAFTW2035" is a story that takes place in the year 2035 and is about how in 2035, FaceTime communication and FaceTime Interactions have far surpassed Physical communication and Physical Interactions between people as the #1 form of communication.
This Story is 1stly about how our Society as a whole has fundamentally changed in the last 15years, due mainly to our ramped-up Love of FaceTime Technologies.
From the way we Phone-Connect with each other using FaceTime's new "Holograph-Projection" Phone Features, to how we Remotely Date each other using our Interactive Smart-TVs for Movie-Nights, meeting at FaceTime-Restaurants on the Meta-Net for Dinner-Nights and many other New and Exciting 2035 FaceTime Activities shared between distant friends & lovers.
From Facetime-Only Dating,
To FaceTime Hybrid-Travel Tours,
To FaceTime-Head&Shirt-Cam outings
To FaceTime Holograph-Concerts,
To FaceTime Holograph-Business Meetings,
To FaceTime Reading Sessions
To FaceTime Holograph-Dating, whereby couples Holographically attend live events such as baseball games, Ballets, Comedy-Shows, & Stage-Plays.
To innovative new ways of offline connecting with our online connections.
And as well, turning our online connections into offline Activity-Partners.
All shared with the peace of mind that our FaceTime Communications are protected by SmartGPS.
This is also a story about how our methods of "being" with each other and "being" with the world around us have changed dramatically within the past 15years and how all of this change looks from my own vantage point, in the year 2035.