The great clash between the U.S Army and the Plains Indian tribes
Everyone who has been fascinated by the history of the American western frontier has much for which to thank Cyrus Townsend Brady, the author of this book. Brady was a prolific author of both fiction and non fiction and in both genres his abiding interest and knowledge of the history of his own country is a well demonstrated. This book, 'Indian Fights and Fighters, ' captivated readers upon its publication and its success made the series of which it was part highly popular, although it was the fourth, not the first in his 'American Fights and Fighters Series.' Several more 'Fights and Fighters' books, based upon similar themes, followed. Brady relates-with some scholarship and with the help of maps, plans and illustrations-the principal engagements of the Plains Indian Wars in the period after the Civil War. The book draws on the first hand accounts of many of the people who were involved and is notable for bringing before the reader accounts by those who had not previously been published. Herein is a veritable cornucopia of western incident, campaigns, battles, fights and massacres, the full list of which is too numerous to catalogue here. They include the Fetterman Massacre, the Wagon Box Fight, Beecher's Island, the Fight on Beaver Creek, the Washita, the Rosebud and many, many more. This book has become an invaluable, highly regarded and enduring classic of the History of the West. Available in softcover and hardcover with dustjacket for collectors.