"Thus we see that India's marvels were not always false." LYNN THORNDIKE
The careful study of this subject called ""Indian mythology"" has led him to conclusions about ancient India quite different from the stereotyped concept popular in the West. The idea of a nation of dreamers, essentially impractical folk, is one which has never been reconcilable with the surviving records of triumphs and the rare achievements, which have defied the ravages of time and climate through untold centuries. The intellectual, moral and spiritual heights attained by ancient India's great seers and sages, to which early writings and far earlier oral traditions bore witness, were generally recognized in India. With that recognition may have gone a growing undervaluation of material development that may have played its part in the neglect for ages to carry further, on the practical side, the high material civilization attained thousands of years ago, to which the very ancient ruins of Mohenjo-daro bear witness.