In the globe-spanning chronicle of an unprecedented historic event, journalists and photographers share an extraordinary collection of stories of the COVID pandemic: from the isolation and devastation of quarantine to the joy of reunion.
As COVID-19 continued to evolve and impact communities around the globe, the National Geographic Society launched a Global Emergency Fund for Journalists to cover this extraordinary crisis within their own communities. The fund put a particular emphasis on delivering news to underserved populations, particularly where there is a dearth of evidence-based information getting to those who need it. This pandemic has made evident the vulnerability, inequity, and the many environmental injustices in our society, but it has also shown us the incredible resilience of many communities. Selections from this powerful body of work will be featured in a global traveling exhibition entitled "Inside the Curve: Stories from the Pandemic." The book, which will extend and amplify the exhibition, will illuminate some of the themes of the crisis that have impacted all of us, as well as unique stories of heroism and survival.