Here are stories from the most written-about event in America's past that illustrate unknown abilities and qualities you already possess.
With a skeptical mindset, this book will help you think critically, question ideas, and find lessons that truly resonate with your own experiences and beliefs.
You'll read about character, motivation, self-reliance…you know, topics you rarely hear friends and family talk about, and topics hardly discussed in public schools but championed in homeschool environments.
Implied in each story is the slogan, "What worked then works now," reminding us that human nature remains constant and never changes.
The quality of leadership, for example, as seen through the prism of a great Civil War battle, is simply about influencing others. Pretty simple explanation, right? Old as the hills. Definitions don't have to be complicated. And it's not just about famous persons, but about everyday people who made a difference, regardless of age or background.
Plus, the book challenges the long-accepted idea that leadership is a trait that only talented or "gifted" people can exercise. On the contrary, it proves we all have the leadership quality, just waiting to be acknowledged and developed.
At Gettysburg, individuals demonstrated abilities like decision-making, teamwork, generosity, empathy, initiative, and imagination. The lessons you learn here will always remain vital, relevant, and meaningful to your life.
These stories aim to inspire you to discover your abilities and face challenges with focus and determination. In other words, you'll be able to accept stress as a positive force in your life. Ironically, this isn't a history book, but it uses one historical event to prove what you're capable of today, not twenty years from now. What isn't found here is a theory, psycho-babble, or attempts to be hip.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, following the lessons in each story are questions you are challenged to answer. They invite you to think about how you would use the lessons in your own life.
Questions are essential to critical thinking skills, and those skills will be developed here as adults and children discuss their answers. And don't be surprised to sense an emotional bond growing between adult and child as each new answer can reveal something that may have been previously unknown.
Whether you're facing tough decisions or striving for success, let this book guide you like a steering wheel, helping you navigate the road along life's way.
Paul Lloyd Hemphill
American Education Defenders, Inc