Communitarianism is an intriguing social theory that states community and the social bonds of family, traditional values, and education are the main building blocks of a new supranational global order. One of its strongest proponents, Amitai Etzioni, posits that the "transnational threats facing humankind today are so overwhelming that soon all nations will experience a convergence of values and priorities, which will lay the groundwork for eventual global governance. " The eight articles presented by the August 2005 issue of American Behavioral Scientist offer a fascinating and spirited dialogue regarding the concurrences and contradictions of communitarianism within the context of international relations. They tackle a range of topics first addressed in Etzioni′s treatise From Empire to Community: A New Approach to International Relations, including:
This issue offers a balanced view of a much-disputed theory and belongs in the library of every political scientist, sociologist, and everyone interested in the state of the world around them.