This is the fourth book in the Intrepid series, it is based on a true story that unfolds in post war Britain. It is 1952 and the young protagonist, Horace Gray, is getting closer to the ring leaders of the Mulligan crime syndicate.
Horace wins the confidence of Shamus Mulligan's youngest daughter by posing as the son of a corrupt businessman. He is sent to Ireland with his uncle and secret service agents on a mission to capture Shamus Mulligan and his right hand man, Patrick O'Brian. The syndicate is in the process of arranging the sale of weapons to an Asian arms dealer.
Fisher is spotted in a hotel in Liverpool but remains elusive. The scent of his quarry sharpens Horace's thirst for revenge but he is distracted by his
girlfriend's quest to locate her long lost family and his unexpected involvement in a love triangle.
Horace is now a fully paid up member of the secret service and the success or failure of this mission will determine not only whether he can finally get Brian Fisher but also what the nature of his continued involvement with the secret service will be.