This new edition retains the appeal, clarity and practicality that made the first so successful, and continues to provide a fundamental introduction to the principles and purposes of rubrics, with guidance on how to construct them, use them to align course content to learning outcomes, and apply them in a wide variety of courses, and to all forms of assignment. Reflecting developments since publication of the first edition, the authors have extended coverage to include: * Expanded discussion on use of rubrics for grading* Grading on-line with rubrics* Wider coverage of rubric types (e.g., holistic, rating scales)* Rubric construction in student affairs* Pros and cons of working with "ready-made" rubrics* Using rubrics to improve your teaching, and for SoTL* Use of rubrics in program assessment (case study)* Application of rubrics in the arts, for study abroad, service learning and students' independent learning * Up-dated literature review