The first book in a brand-new series, Invisible Hero introduces Gohan Rice. An unlikely war hero, David "Gohan" Rice is a sergeant in the Air Force and a martial arts expert, who chose to serve God as a Christian Missionary. While traveling the globe, he becomes a magnet for trouble, intrigue, and terror, constantly finding himself in impossible circumstances. Later, Gohan is sent on a special mission into enemy territory. The worst possible scenario occurs, and he finds himself at the mercy of a vicious enemy, causing the young American to call on a God that he, until then, had not known.
Invisible Hero has all the ingredients you expect in a modern, fast paced thriller: martial arts, a surprise guerrilla attack, the rescue of a beautiful woman, and a special mission into enemy territory. It sets the stage for the exciting "Gohan thriller series."
About the Author:
Peter Hess is an accomplished author, and Air Force veteran, and a business owner. His books include historical biblical novels, thrillers, and mystery novels. Peter and his wife, Rita, have been married for thirty-six years. They have four children and twelve grandchildren, and they make their home in Frederick, Maryland, where they are active members of New Life Foursquare Church.