This is the miraculous story of Iris Urrey Blue, the "incorrigible" who encountered the irresistible force of God's transforming power. As hard as Iris Urrey Blue tried, she could not hide from Him. Pursuing her every step of the way, in and out of prison, in the middle of heroin highs and robberies, was her Creator, who in eternity past had devised a plan that would turn this "incorrigible rebel" into one of His trophies of grace.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ron Owens--born in Canada, son of missionary parents to Europe, has multifaceted ministries. These include teaching, preaching, and music ministry in North America and beyond. He has authored other books and articles and has composed, recorded, and published many songs in collaborations with his wife, Patricia. The Owenses have one son, Jeff; a daughter-in-law, Jessica; and two grandsons, Ethan and Evan.