Set in 1948, this radio sequel to the classic TV comedy Dad's Army features several of the much-loved characters from the original series. Arthur Wilson (John Le Mesurier) is now managing a bank in Frambourne-on-Sea, and the pilot episode sees him visited by his old Captain, George Mainwaring (Arthur Lowe), requesting a loan to save the town's pier from demolition.
Sadly, Lowe died shortly afterwards, but the series was revamped to feature Wilson, his clerk Pike (Ian Lavender), and ex-ARP Warden Bert Hodges (Bill Pertwee) as the man with the renovation plan. Can they restore Frambourne's pier to its former glory?
Collected together for the first time, the episodes included here are: Loyal Support (pilot), The Business Proposition, The Bank Loan, Who Owned the Pier?, Inspecting the Piles, Pike in Love, The Friends of Frambourne Pier, The First Meeting, Marooned, The Fancy Dress Parade, The Builder, War Damage, The Pin-Up Girl and Hidden Treasure.
Written by Harold Snoad and Michael Knowles, who adapted Dad's Army for radio, the series also stars Vivienne Martin as Miss Perkins, with guest stars including Glynn Edwards, Hilda Braid, Christopher Biggins and Betty Marsden.