A fast-paced, nature-filled survival tale about a boy traveling to the Amazon and fighting for one of the forests' most famous predators--the jaguar. When Jake Lansa goes to visit his father, Doc, in Brazil over spring break, his biggest worry is whether Doc will let him stay and help establish a jaguar preserve or send him straight back to Poughkeepsie. But soon he has bigger problems. When a massive explosion destroys their boat, the Lansas are forced to trust a mysterious captain, and Jake is viciously attacked before the journey even begins.
Deep in the rainforest, deadly animals, ruthless fortune hunters, and unforgiving elements await them at every turn. The odds are stacked against them. Will Jake and the team be able to complete their mission? And more importantly, will they survive?
In this compelling sequel to
Thunder Cave, Jake will witness firsthand how people have ruined a fragile environment, and will come face-to-face with others who stop at nothing to get what they want.
Perfect for...
★ Nature lovers
★ Environmentalists
★ Adventurers
★ Fans of
Hatchet and
My Side of the Mountain