"[Acevedo] manages to update vampire lore in clever and imaginative ways."
--El Paso Times
If you haven't yet encountered Gulf War veteran-turned-vampire private eye Felix Gomez, then now is the time! Jailbait Zombie--the fourth in author Mario Acevedo's outrageously original dark fantasy p.i. series--pits the undead against the living dead, as vampires meet zombies for a no-holds-barred beatdown. As dark, sexy, funny, and endearingly strange as Acevedo's previous vampiric excursions--Nymphos of Rocky Flats, X-Rated Bloodsuckers, and Undead Kama Sutra--Jailhouse Zombie is more of the top-shelf bloody madness that inspired Tim "Nuclear Jellyfish" Dorsey to comment that Mario Acevedo "is a very disturbed man--and I mean that in the absolute finest sense of the term."