This volume explores nearly every facet of contemporary Jesus research -- from eyewitness criteria to the reliability of memory, from archaeology to psychobiography, from oral traditions to literary sources.
With contributions from forty internationally respected Jewish and Christian scholars, this distinguished collection of articles comes from the second (2007) Princeton-Prague Symposium on Jesus Research. It summarizes the significant advances in understanding Jesus that scholars have made in recent years through the development of diverse methodologies.
Readers already knowledgeable in the field will discover unique angles from well-known scholars, and all will be amply informed on the current state of Jesus studies.
Contributors: Dale C. Allison Jr., Mordechai Aviam, Richard Bauckham,
Darrell L. Bock, Donald Capps, James H. Charlesworth,
Bruce Chilton, Michael Allen Daise, Arye Edrei,
Kathy Ehrensperger, Casey D. Elledge, Craig A. Evans,
Peter W. Flint, Seán Freyne, David Hendin,
Tom Holmén, Richard A. Horsley, Jeremy M. Hutton,
Craig Keener, Werner H. Kelber, Ulrich Luz,
Gabriel Mazor, Lee Martin McDonald, Doron Mendels,
Daniel F. Moore, Suleiman A. Mourad, Étienne Nodet,
Lidija Novakovic, Gerbern S. Oegema, George L. Parsenios,
Pheme Perkins, Petr Pokorný, Stanley E. Porter,
Brian Rhea, Jan Roskovec, D. Moody Smith,
Gerd Theissen, Geza Vermes, Walter P. Weaver,
Robert L. Webb,