This story is about a professor of pathological medicine, Dr. John Thrive, who started his career as wanting to help and alleviate the suffering of those blighted by disease and pain; however, since the Covid-19 "pandemic" hit, he has seen a new and sinister side of medicine when captured by the Medical Matrix, or what is sometimes called the Industrial Medical Complex whose main concern and driving force is no longer the health and wellbeing of the American people.
Dr. Thrive is so concerned about a group of vaccinated people who are suffering from a disease which is traditionally called Thrombosis, that occurs when blood-clots block veins or arteries; with symptoms including pain, swelling in the legs, chest pain, numbness on one side, with complications that can lead to strokes, and heart-attacks; further, Dr. Thrive is concerned about a new and strange phenomenon of the vaccinated who are dying of huge, long, and elongated blood-clots the size of one's arms showing in pre-morten, i.e. before death not post-mortem, that didn't respond to traditional blood-thinning drugs. Dr. Thrive is determined to geth to the bottom of these many anomolies, and he realises that the only way he can do this is by miniaturising himself; so, he shows his new intake of students these strange, eerily and scary looking huge, long elongated blood-clots; he invites all those among his students who want to accompany him on a journey to the center of a human cell.
He is concerned about what on Earth is happening in the world with such really shocking news of people dying, not just from a novel-virus but from a novel-vaccine in response to that virus, the Corona-virus SARS 2; he heard that a year after that virus had been ravaging the Earth, a vaccine was released for the public, free-of-charge. But the data was in from that new vaccine - and the news was particular negative regarding the mRNA vaccine which is not, in fact, a vaccine but rather a D.N.A. modifier which could gain entry by the virus' spike-protein and change or re-write your central-software program we call the D.N.A.;
So, it is actually not just mRNA but DNA modification of your gene - reprogramming your DNA to do whatever they want it to do, with your body reacting in endless ways, i.e. it turns out that this spike-protein is deadly, at least that's what Dr. Thrive was guessing as he did more research. This mRNA is not actually a vaccine but what is classed as "gene therapy" which Dr. Thrive calls, "a DNA-gene-modifier" because it didn't just stay in the upper-arm where you had the shot - like normal vaccines did where it induced your body's immune system to make anti-bodies for that virus - but it went all around your body, causing your own immune-system to react, with even the deadly disease classed as "autoimmune" which he is not surprised at since those mRNA vaccine are synethesising the sythetic Covid-19 virus spike-protein, as the auto-immune system is designed to kill all foreign cells and organism; yet, the problem is when our immune system cannot recognise the difference between our own cells and foreign cells, causing our body's immnue system to mistakenly attack our normal cells; thus, this mRNA gene-modifier is causing another autoimmune disease on top of the 80 other autoimmune diseases we already know of.