My testimony is really one of the hardest and most painful life situations to share. I have a magnitude of mixed emotions and thoughts that I encountered throughout my 26-year traumatic ordeal with my son Aaron. There was a time in Aaron's life it was hard for me to believe that I'd brought a monster into the world. Yet, God turned even the unimaginable worst case that a human can go through into something good; He answered my prayers, and He will answer yours. My testimony will help you. There are no ministries that I can think of who are going to share God's heart on evil or tell you that you're blessed even as you walk through the shadow of the valley of death. Yet all through Scripture we read that God does bless all of His children even as they walk through troubled times.
This is my revelation of God's unconditional love, His wisdom, and what He taught me that will benefit you no matter what you are going through. You will see God's loving heart, redemption, mercy, and His justice for all humanity. That in some way we are all leading a similar life as someone written about in Scripture.
My book will encourage you and bring you hope that no matter what you are going through the battle is not yours it is the Lords. He is with you always. God will turn your trial into something good, for His glory and for your benefit.
He loves you unconditionally. Pursue His great love for you today.