In Juxtaposition, Emile tells his story, his encounter with Ben, who infects him with HIV. This story is simple and carries the obvious message. However, it was not written to demonise unsafe sexual practices; whether you play safe or not is your personal choice and responsibility. Please just think about the potential consequences.
Be in no doubt, Juxtaposition does not have a happy ending, however, it is just as much about the relationship between Emile and his best friend Kristie - a story about the nature and value of friendship and compassion - and those themes are just as, if not more, important as any other message you will find in this story.
Juxtaposition also gave rise to a video-based art project titled Juxtaposition - an abstraction, which was the output of a collaboration between myself, Roy Allen and Hal Sinden/Eulogy Media. The work was screened worldwide as part of the 2016 HIVideo event organised by Balaclava.Q in support of Art for World Aids Day.
Thank you,
Alp Mortal